BioArmor Infection Control
About Our Brand
BioArmor is a distributor of proprietary formulations of non-toxic, non-alcohol based hand sanitizers, topical antiseptics and hard surface cleaners that kill harmful microorganisms.
Our Products Include:
BioArmor™Silky Gloves Hand Sanitizer: FDA approved exclusive formula contains no alcohol or toxic chemicals. It kills 99.99% of the harmful germs it comes in contact with by disrupting the outer cell membranes of the microorganism. This ensures microorganisms do not adapt or become resistant to the BioArmor antimicrobial product. This antimicrobial technology is extremely effective because it kills the bacteria before colonies can be formed.
BioArmor™ H2O2 Multi-Purpose Hard Surface Disinfectant Cleaner: EPA registered and powered by hydrogen peroxide, our disinfectant kills 99.9% of germs while it cleans. Free of harsh chemicals and fumes our cleaner is made to protect your home from a variety of harmful viruses (including Covid-19) that can form on surfaces.
BioArmor™ is a distributor for Surgically Clean Air, Air Purification Systems: